Minggu, 14 November 2010

benefits of e-government information technology

nformation technology is a technology used to process the data, including the process, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in different ways. To produce high quality information, information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, business and government, is the information strategically to make decisions. This technology uses a computer with other computers in accordance with needs. And telecommunications technology used for data and is accessible globally.
E-government refers to the use of information technology by government, such as using the intranet and the Internet, which has the ability to connect the purposes of residents, businesses, and other activities. This can be a business transaction process between the public and government through automated systems and Internet networks, more generally dikebal as the world wide web.
At its core e-government is the use of information technology to improve relations between the government and other parties, the use of information technology in and then generate new forms such hubungna: G to C [Government to Citizen], G to B [Government to Business] and G to G [Government to Government].
Benefits of e-government can be perceived among others:
1.Service better service to the community. Informasidapat provided 24 hours, 7 days a week, without waiting for the opening of the office. Information can be sought from the office, home, without having to physically come to the office of government.2.Improved relations between pemeritah, businesses, and the general public. The openness [transparency] it is expected that the relationship between the various parties would be better. This openness eliminates mutual suspicion and resentment from all sides.3.Msyarakat Empowerment through information easily available. Given sufficient information, the public will learn to be able to determine his choice. For example, data about the school, the number of classes, student capacity, passing grade, and so forth, can be displayed online and used by parents to choose the right school for their children4.Implementation of a more efficient government. For example, the coordination of government can be melaluji e-mail or even vidio confernce.
For Indonesia, a vast their area is very large, it in very helpful. Frequently asked questions, coordination, discussions between the leadership of buffer area must be done without kesemuannya on the same physical location. No longer all have to fly to Jakarta for a meeting that lasted only one or two hours.
Public demand for good governance is extremely urgent to be implemented by the government apparatus. One solution that is needed is the integration of government administration system through a network of online information systems between agencies both central and local governments to access all data and information primarily relating to public service. In the government sector, strategic change and technological advances encourage government officials to anticipate the new paradigm with efforts to improve the performance of the bureaucracy and improving services towards the realization of good governance [good governance]
The most important thing that must be observed is the government sector is a driving force as well as facilities in the success of various development activities, therefore the success of management development must be supported by current velocity data and information among agencies to occur between the government systems are integrated with the other users. Efforts to accelerate implementation of e-government, still have problem because currently not all regions menyelenggarakannya.

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