Minggu, 14 November 2010


Inevitably, the existence of computers today is no longer a luxury, this tool has been used in various fields of work, including in education.
The introduction of information and communication technology (ICT) is expected to make rapid changes that have daam kehidupang additions and changes in the use of various ICT products.
Through its Information and Communication Technology Devices, we can find, explore, analyze, and exchange information efficiently and effectively. ICT will help us, Getting ideas quickly and exchange experiences from various walks of life.
Thus, the initiative is expected to develop attitudes and self-learning ability, so that which we can decide and consider himself when and where to use ICT appropriately and optimally, including the implications of current and future.
Information Technology and Communications includes two aspects, namely Information and Communications Technology. Information Technology, covering all matters relating to process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management information. While the Communication Technology is all things relating to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another
Therefore dna Communication Technology Information Technology is an inseparable counterpart containing the broader sense of all activities associated with permrosesan, manipula management and transfer / transfer of information between the media.
In particular, the purpose of studying information and communication technology are:
1. makes us aware of the potential development of information and communication technologies continue to change so motivated to evaluate and study this technology as a basis for lifelong learning.2.memotivasi kemmapuan us to be able to adapt and anticipates the development of ICT, so that it can implement and mejalani kehidupang daily activities independently and more confident.3mengembangkan our competence in the use your information and communication technology to support learning activities, work and share the activities of daily life4.mengembangkn ICT-based learning capabilities, so that optimal learning can be more interesting and we mendorang more skilled in communication skills used to organize information and work together.5.mengembangkan self-learning ability, initiative, innovative, creative and responsible in the use of information and communication technologies for learning work and problem solving in everyday situations
current Ministry of Education program of information and communication technology development on a large. There are three important quantities posis progra Ministry of Education in ICT development, namely:
1. honesty ICT field became one department at SMK. ICT development is technically both hardware and software into the education curriculum. establishment of ICT centers throughout Indonesia. for connecting schools around the ICT center was built WAN (Wireless Area Network) city.
2. Pustekkom as one of the spearhead in the development of interactive educational TV, E learning high school. This program aims to narrow the gap between education kualits big city with the region.

3.jardiknas (jeraring national education), aims to integrate the two programs above in order to form a network that connects all the schools in Indonesia.sehinggal estimated in despair before all schools in indonesxia be connected to the internet to see a program that is held by dephkinas we can use these facilities because it is open

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